My third contribution to a joint project with sisters illustrator Hannah Hunter-Kelm and photographer Ella Dickinson (click their names to see their online portfolios). We've been working on this for nearly a year now, adding artwork, collage and photography to a second hand copy of 'Dream Days' by Kenneth Grahame, with illustrations by Ernest H Shepard. We then post it to each other, and can start new pages, tear pages out and add to each others' work. I'm hoping to scan in the whole book at the end to upload - as the first person in the cycle, my artwork is usually worked into by the others and so it evolves and changes, so it might be interesting to see the book as a whole (and of course to see Hannah and Ella's work too). Above: another London sketch from a sneaky bus photo - pencil, gouache. Above: pencil. Above: collage
More drawings from photographs of people in the city. Tattooed man in the British Library - pencil and watercolour. Red-eyed man on the tube - pencil and watercolour. Walking couple - pencil.
More drawings from life class - some a bit stilted so I'm not as pleased with them as usual, but a good evening of drawing nonetheless. Click images to enlarge and to see timings of each drawing. All in pencil (4B & 2B).
More drawings of people from sneaky photos taken on the tube. Yes, I did see a nun and a boy solving a 10 x 10 rubik's cube... All drawings in pen and ink.
Katie McCurrachKeep up to date with my most recent projects. Archives
May 2019